Tuesday, June 10, 2008


While I was completing my imaginary list I was beginning to think about how far technology really has come. I remember the days of watching teachers calculate everything by hand. By using this technology all one has to do is put in the kind of assignment, the percentage, and the computer will weigh the grades and compute out a final grade. I really liked the way the system completes such a task. What I do not like is that students tend to hand in papers and grades need to be put in. In my opinion it is faster to make an eraser mark in a grading book instead of turning on a PC or notebook and putting grades in as such.

I understand that teachers spend countless hours grading and this will at least cut down the time on grading. If someone does not have to compute grades and such it makes like easier. Students would not like this grade system because their parents can actually see what they are or are not doing in a class. It has its pros and cons for the students. Parents would like this so they can keep tabs on their children and their performances in school.

Also, this system has when assignments are due, a student's attendance and other features like comments. I'm not so thrilled about the attendance portion. Once again, I'd prefer just to put whoever is absent in a green book instead of going into my PC or notebook each time to make a change and that could get really time consuming in the secondary level. I do like the fact that all of this is made through technology it just seems to be very time consuming and will take a long time to use. Something that takes more time in a classroom is not what I would want!

Here are the links to Engrade that I worked on:
To see my links:
user name: Eric Ambrose

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eric, I really like the way you have created your blog! There are so many great images and videos (especially the Muppets)!