Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Food from the Renaissance era- Letter Pop

Food from the Renaissance era

In this day and age communication is essential between teachers, parents, and students. More and more people have less time to actually communicate with one another. There are so many papers that go home to parents that never really make it to the parents possession. In creating a newsletter we hope that it has some higher value than a single piece of paper that a teacher gives a child. On the most part newsletters are colorful and usually hold higher meaning to them. By sending home a newsletter it embraces the learning community and hopefully connects the teacher, student, and parent. I would not like to use any new forms of communication to parents. Technology is expensive and for the poorer communities out there I think using too much technology puts a divide between people. For making my newsletter I used Letter pop. I loved using it. It was easy to pick a template, drag and drop pictures, and make the letter exactly the way one would want it to be. If I did a newsletter again I would use a different program just to have some different exposure to a different technology.
Depending on what kind of school district I end up in will depend on the variety of communication that I will be able to use with my parents. I like technology but it highly depends on the economic status of the community that one is in. For now I'll stick with sending notes home by paper hoping that they make it home! However the one nice thing about using the Internet one does not have to hope that a paper makes it home. By posting something on a website students, parents, and teachers will have access at all times!

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