Sunday, June 1, 2008

Schools promote schools and businesses promote schools, but schools do not promote creativity

In all of the years that I have been a student think of what programs are the first to when money is tight. Schools cancel art programs, dance, culinary, music, sports and then afterschool programs too. There are many reasons why schools do not promote creativity. Schools do not have a vested interest in them. Schools have two vested interests. A schools first interest is to promote, foster, and nurture students according to business needs of the world who have a great influence in government. Government has a lot of funding for schools, however schools must act upon the rules and structure that is given to them. Schools are told what to teach and the government has the hold on what is important to teach. Why would anyone want to watch a dancer or artist flourish? Those people can make money and have a good life if they really want it on their own. While those people flourish businesses lose money and can not own total control of the economy. It is sick when someone thinks about it really.
The second thing schools have a vested interest are schools themselves. Schools want to promote their own products, and promote their "service" that they provide to others. Why would one not to want to promote themselves? Why would a school want to promote to go and to something else to a student that would be like going to a restaurant to great and someone saying go eat at the other place it is much better! Who would do such a thing like that? Not I, not you and not them. Schools do challenge their energies on state test and standards until one may want to throw up. I for one hated school, hate the structure, and it did not include my learning style at the time. Schools won't promote creativity because there is nothing in it for them. Education has become self-absorbed and we think way too highly of it. We all can't go to school there are not enough places for people in the world to go to with all those educations, think about it?
If there was no school what would we all do? We would be killing each other for $3.30 an hour and what would seperate the masses? School weeds people out and seperates the masses as well.
I have a hard time seeing creativity being put over literacy. Literacy helps companies grow. The problem with education is the structure and that structure will NEVER change. It is like a person who runs for office of the U.S. they have a great idea, but by the time people buy them out their original ideas have escaped them entirely.
However, the fantastic things about kids is that they take chances and they are not scared to chance. When I was working with a 2nd grader with Math and money he did not get upset. He did not understand a concept and he was calm, cool, and collective about it. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just don't know how to do it." It was amazing to see how easy he was to reveal himself like that. We worked on it and over came his counting probelm. An adult would be reluctant to ask for help as they would in most cases simply shut down/get frustrated and not work through the process. As we get older we tend to have problems to express feelings towards one another, which I think is sad.
I also remember one time a student in kindergarten was coloring a pumpkin and colored it green and a teacher yelled at that student for coloring a pumkin green. Right then and there a teacher was killing the student's creativity at the age of 5. We know as adults what pumpkins should look like, but right then and there one is shutting down a student's creative thought process. I swear as adults we forget what it is like to be a kid and to go through all of those baby steps that we went through for our own development.
In the video with Ken Robinson the three main words came up:
I look at these three words and I see that is exactly how we begin in our school careers and then we become molded into other things. We think we need to be other things in school because someone said so along the way, pish posh. As schools develop they develop the mind so much that creativity is not accecpt. Think about all of those ridiculous state test that mean ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING. All they do is provide a way for schools to obtain perspective money from the state. We don't want to change testing, we want something quick, easy, and inexpensive. In education too many corners are cut. I mean come one NCLB!!! Do we need to say anymore? Lets keep pushing kids through school even if they can't read and write. Why retain a student and spend money, lets no be silly here the government is cutting corners which has been influenced by the spending of big business. This is no longer about education, it's about money and what we can squeeze out.
We can discuss the ideas of being creative with technology and schools to the comes come home. It is a false pretense to give the illusion of progress in school. Reading and writing scores have gone down, were quicker as a society, however we are not smarter.

An article on NCLB and is it working:

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