Sunday, June 1, 2008

More money no problems, no money more problems

I like the idea of the Digital textbook and how it will compete with the attention of students in its glowing form, I think that ideas is fantastic. I do like the idea of the book being digitally searched. I really like all of these ideas, but I think that it will upset the balance of the publishing world where many companies will be up in arms. A digital book is as cool as a car that gets a 100 miles to a gallon of gas, but the real question is will the government ever let such an idea pass. Will the government suppress ideas like it likes to do to keep people in economic "check."
I will say that a book that can be engaging with pictures, sounds, and other images is more appealing. Lets face it the more senses one feels when completing a task the better experience one will feel while accomplishing such a task. The question remains how will schools afford material such as digital books? Will the government get on the ball and even supply it to the people in Detroit Michigan who have a 25% graduation rate or the students in Jacksonville Florida who have a 46% percent graduation rate? Who will be the first to obtain the materials and what will dictate how many materials one will get.
I do like the idea where words and other links are connected to hyperlinks to connect the meaning of the words that one is reading. Does this make us lazier, or does this make us faster. What I will question is the fact that big businesses are the ones making people "feel" that they have to live a faster paced life. So now in school we are supporting it? Then we have to change the reasons why school was created in the first place.
When I was reading students being able to assemble information into textbooks the first thing I thought was no. If students could learn whatever they want that would be great and I am all for it. However, with standards and test a lot would have to change. Once again making a change like this would cost a lot of $$$. Would a state really want change to such a format? That will take a lot of: time, money, effort, and resources to accomplish. I'm not saying digital books are bad but think about the economic impact that it will have on society. Can these digital books be brought home, if so what happens if they get lost, or sold for other reasons? I know in one school district that books are not allowed to taken from the class to home. Books are to be stowed at home and do not travel back and forth. Good idea? Bad idea? Who knows.
I really liked reading this article, but one must always think what was the intent of the article? Was there a bias when writing it. I read it and the article seemed like it was simply selling a product to a consumer. I would like to know where is all the funding from this coming from?

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