Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Loti, technology and our times

I think technology is really great like the Loti power point that we were all able to look at. My problem is what about the money for technology. In New York State the divison of classes such as: non-regents, regents, and advanced were done away with. Technology with students will divide the masses. If a student does not have a computer at home how will they keep up with the rest of the class? Will technology simply bring on feelings of inferiorty in those "inner city" schools that are prevelant in our own back yard? Are we already dividing the masses before the students even know it.
However we know that students are becoming more kinesthetic and visual than ever before. Using tools on any internet site will help enhance the classroom experience. Students' modalities are changing more than ever. The average student's attention span is SEVEN seconds. I know that one of the reasons school was created was to fix societies inequalities. How as an education sector keep up with mass media in a positive way and be fair to all of our students? Is there really a way to balance these things together?
I understand that while reading the 0-8 scale on Loti that most schools are at a 3. It is hard for all schools to be really high. I understand that the goal is student achievement but can that be reached at a realistic level at all schools. I hope that there are some witty and creative teachers out there who can use technology give if the resources that they have are extremely limited.
I belive that to reach level 5 "students without walls" that a lot of money will be needed to be raised for all schools to have such a concept. The real question is wherem does all this money come from? The money tree? Teachers have to be entertaining, and have their students gravitate towards them. Teachers must learn to: act, juggle, listen, comprehend and stay with the current trends with their own students so there is no a great divide in the student to teacher relationship. I also believe that we must focus on our own realtionships with our students to be successful with our classes, lessons, content, and the intergrating of technology. We have to pick and choose our battles with this.

Below are some websites that I thought would be helpful with technology.

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