Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blog Highlights to dicuss

Computer literacy is the ability to use the basics of a computer. The basics of a computer is using: word, excel, Internet, how to print from a notebook, or how to print from a PC. Computer literacy to me is the basic no how of completing a necessary task for something. Information literacy is the ability to understand the practical use and the tools of current technology in referring to technology. Literacy of the future will be the way to transform information from one place to another. At this point I do not think that any of us will be able to coin what the future may entail indeed. Reading for the future: http://www.readingforfuture.com/
The Net generation are people who excel with technology. For example, My Space, Face book, instant message and cell phones are a big percentage of that group. I think that we have made too much out of it to be honest. Lets face it, change or get changed in the world we know it. Digital students do not have the ability to have a long attention span (seven seconds) and then they need something else. Hearing a fact like that is very discouraging. We no longer have the ability to sit in our own chairs and view the world around us. With the inability to focus and sit still it will have a negative effect on reading, writing, and math scores. As a society we have become to dependent on technology. We have almost lost the ability to think for ourselves in this day and age. I don't think teachers need to change instruction, however they do need to be aware of how they will deliver their points in an engaging way. Presentation is everything!!
In the technology standards for students:
Standard 7 – Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.
I believe that this standard is the best out of the six of them because students are using real problems and concepts that they will need to use in their own lives. Students need to know that school has some real implications towards their own lives and school is not simply about some stupid test. Students also need the ability to fall on their face, learn and get back up again. I think this standard should be well implemented in the classroom so that we can have some interconnectedness between teacher and students. I do not think that students are ready once they have left high school simply because the state drove the students to learn too much for a test that will not benefit them at all.
Standard 7 – Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.
I also think that this standard should be right up in the ranks as the standard that I have put before it. Students need to address their own real life problems and have the ability to make their own decisions. If a student can not make their own decisions then what good will they be for themselves down the road?
I really like classroom 2.0. Many teachers seem as if they have few ways to communicate to other teachers especially in high school. The disconnect lies as the classroom gets larger and as the large amount of teachers become in the secondary level and the shelteredness that they have from one another. Teachers spend many times in the day being loners and going, going, and going. At least a 2.0 network will give teachers an outlet and help them express themselves for solutions that when a problem will arise instead of feeling like a scrambled egg. I think teachers lack support, and consistency from their peers and it hurts their own performances on a day to day basis. We all need someone or something to sound off to and to look upon. We quest because that is what we do. We seek, search, desire, enhance, and embrace new challenges in the education world around us.
As for del.icio.us. I thought it was okay. I did not find it to be too helpful. Yes, it is cool to be able to bookmark all of one's favorites, but is it really necessary or just some more stuff for us to learn about? I was not blown away by it by any means. I don't think it will come close to comparing how big it was when instant messaging came out. There was nothing like it and it changed communication in a positive way forever. Here is a link on the next step towards instant messaging:http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/01/technology/fastforward_meebo.fortune/index.htm.
I think that it will be imperative at the way we view what should be learned by our students and how it should be taught. Will we bring back the "Legacy" way of learning or will we stick to the "Future" of learning. As much as I love technology we must be able to do both. One can not exist without the other. Marc Prensky discusses, " Legacy content includes reading, writing, arithmetic, logical thinking, understanding the writings and ideas of the past, etc – all of our "traditional" curriculum. It is of course still important, but it is from a different era." Our reading scores are down and technology has a bit to do with that and I am sure there are lots of surveys out there to prove there is a correlation between the two. I like the "Future" of learning through pictures and sounds. I do understand how people fear change. Change is hard, but it must be done. I think we rely to heavily on the "theory" that technology will solve all the educational problems, it won't. I do believe the idea that everyone can learn, however remember that everyone will have their own learning point and they will stop. Not every child is going to go to college, trade school, or some other form of higher learning. We try to give each student the ability to: think, create, analyze, synthesis, express, and absorb the world in many ways. All we can do is the best we can...

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